Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Working Woman

It is a well known fact that was believed in the past that a woman's place was at home tending to the house, as well as, the kids. their job was to make sure that the house was clean, food was cook for the husbands when they got home, and the kids were taken care of. But in reality who was taking care of the women? Who were tending to their needs? NO ONE!!! I know it's suppose to be the man taking care of the family financially, but what's wrong with a woman getting an education and working to help take care of the family along side her husband. I see no problem with a woman aspiring to be more than just a housewife. there is no reason for young girls in today's society to think that the point of going to college is to get their MRS. DEGREE, because many girls do. Young girls need to know that there is more out in life than just being a trophy wife. I was brought up being taught by my father and stepfather, that I should always know how to do things for myself. I should never have to depend on a man for anything in life. That I should be an INDEPENDENT and PROUD Black woman. And I think that this is the example that should be set for the younger generation. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying being so proud and independent that you never ask, I'm just saying be proud and independent to a point where you asking a mans help because you want to, not because you need to.

~~~A Phenomenal Proud and Independent Black Woman~~~

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