Monday, June 27, 2011

Domestic Violence

So it is a known fact that many people feel that domestic violence is wrong. However, if it is so wrong then why is it still occurring. There is no need for men to beat on women, nor is it a reason for women to beat on men. However, some religions and cultures feel that it is okay to beat on women. There are many organizations that help with trying stop domestic violence. And in my opinion many more people need to start participating in these groups and help raise money for women who are being victimized by men. This video is a classic and should be watched by anyone who has not watched it and again by anyone who has. This video is a true testament as to what many women go through with domestic violence in their relationship, and the possible and in most case most likely ending of that relationship. Help stop the violence people. Its the only way to help women keep living.
~~~A Phenomenal Woman~~~

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