Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wifey v. Wife

So it's been known that African American men have used the term "Wifey" as a reference to the women they are dating. However, what many African American who are dating these young men is that the term "wifey" is not a term of affection or even a term meaning commitment. The term "wifey" is used to describe a female as being a man's main woman. Therefore, meaning there are other females he is talking to. There are other girls he is in relationships with. You just happen to be the one he has maybe been with the longest, or the one he cares about the most. You are not the one he runs to when he wants a quick screw. Even still you maybe those things you are not his WIFE.  It is said the Bible that "He who finds a wife finds a good thing" Proverbs 18:22. Ladies when a man decides to marry you he has decided to spend the rest of his life with you. He has decided to dedicate his life to making sure that he is taking care of his WIFE and his family. He is not doing these things if you are his WIFEY!!!! Therefore, LADIES DO NOT LET A MAN REFER TO YOU AS HIS WIFEY!!! He has not made that decision to call you his one and only, he has not made the decision to get on one knee, ask you to marry him and go in front of his friends and his family to announce it to the world that you are his only one. And that is all!!!

~~~~A Phenomenal Woman~~~~

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