Monday, June 27, 2011

The Natural Look

OK so I wasn't going to post an entry on the natural look that is so rapidly growing popular. However, after this weekend's events I felt that it was necessary for me to make this entry. Now this is going to have some comments from some family members that I love and adore. And even though I am not trying to offend anybody and get on anyone's bad side, I am sure that I am going to have some calls or text messages regarding whatever is said in this entry. I have always wanted to go natural, and eventually I would like to grow dreads. However, when I told this to my mother she said that my hair was too pretty to just cute it because I wanted to. Well recently I decided to cut out all of my perm and go natural. So now I have a small afro, that I personality like and think it's cute. However, this was the first time that the family that I made a special trip to Arkansas to see, since they live in Wisconsin and I rarely get to see them. This is also only the second time that my mother had seen me since I cut it. Now you would think that since I had decided to cut my hair and do something different that my family would be behind me. However, as many people know, everyone has their own opinion and that is exactly what was expressed this weekend. Now some of my family, like my Aunt Carmen (who is an aborigine, or for those who don't know a black Australian) and my Auntie Kathy (the lady who have an entry about), loved the decision I made and support me 100%. Both of them agree that this hair cut suits me and it agrees. The only comment my Auntie Kathy made was that "all you need is some big hooped earrings". Which she knows I don't do, because I am not the girly type. However, this was not the same reaction that I got from everyone I seen. My great grandfather, whom I love to death and means the world to me, politely me told me I need to grow my hair back out because I cut it and I look like a little boy. And my mother for some reason thinks that I need more then just stop big hooped earrings. She feels that I need to put a treatment in it because it is too thick. Now this is my thing. I did the natural look because that is what I wanted to do. Many women are doing the same thing because it is their choice. Now many people are saying that it is a trend which is the reason why they are cutting their hair. But why waste money on getting chemicals put into your head. They were only invented to help black women look more like white women in the first place. I love my beautiful thick curly nappy stuff on my head. And I honestly don't care what anyone says about it. This is my body and my head. And the last time I checked no one has to comb this stuff out but me. So why should I put something in it to make it easier to comb if I like it just the way it is. My advice to women who are thinking about going natural or have gone natural is to love your beautiful thick stuff on your head. You don't have to put anything in it to help it grow or easier to comb if it is not what you want to do. Love yourself and others will love you too.
~~~A Phenomenal Woman~~~

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